Saturday, 6 December 2014


   Water is a universal solvent. The earth is covered with 75% water. Our human body is made of 75% water. Over 300 billion cells in our body are bathe in water constantly.

        Water is the blood that brings nutrition and oxygen to our tissues, organs, cells etc. It also helps to eliminate waste matters from the blood through urine, sweat, stool and perspiration. Water is one of heaven's most precious commodity given to man, FREE!   There is an adage that says      water has no enemy”.

Consider this:


Drinking = 2 liters daily
Bathing =20 liters daily
Food cooking, washing, fruit etc. =10 liters
Toileting 20= liters daily
Washing cloths 10= liters daily
Car wash 20=liters daily
Other miscellaneous 8 liters daily
                                                  Total = 100 liters daily.
A sachet of water 250ml cost ₦10 : 100x4 (400 sachet x ₦10) = ₦4,000 daily for water per person.

Supposing you are a family of 5 persons i.e. you will inadvertently be spending ₦20,000 daily.
 YAHUWAH the creator of the Heavens and earth gave this wonderful gift to mankind for FREE. Yet at ₦10 a sachet, water is still one of the most cheapest valuable commodity in the market. You can only survive for weeks without food, but without water: you will only have a few days to live. Can’t you see the need to THANK ELOHIM for providing water, free of charge to man. He provided it in the atmosphere (AIR), by rain, stream, rivers, oceans even delicious fruit and vegetable. Please, let’s appreciate his fatherly and kind gesture for a moment. I expect you to bow down your head for a second and say THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER!  Please do read further. Isaiah 41:17
 Hear a renowned prophet of Elohim Prophet Ellen G. White:

" In health and in sickness, pure water is one of heavens choicest blessings. Its proper use, promotes health. It is the beverage which God(Elohim) provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drank freely, it helps to supply the necessities of system, and assists nature to resist disease".
But many have never learned by experience the beneficial effects of the proper use of water, and they are afraid of it. Water treatments are not appreciated as they should be, and to apply them skillfully requires work that many are unwilling to perform. But none should feel excused for ignorance or indifference on this subject. There are many ways in which water can be applied to relieve pain and check disease. All should become intelligent in its use in simple home treatments. Mothers especially, should know how to care for their families in both health and sickness

                                             (Ministry of Healing, pg 237)

Those who are in health have impurities in the blood, and the skin is not in healthy condition.
The multitude of pores, or little mouths, through which the body breaths, become clogged and filled with waste matters. The skin needs to be carefully and thoroughly cleansed, that the pores may do their work in freeing the body from impurities; therefore feeble persons who are diseased surely need the advantages and blessings of bathing as often as twice a week (temperate region) and frequently even more than this is positively necessary. Whether a person is sick or well, respiration is more free and easy if bathing is practiced. By it, the muscles become more flexible, the mind and the body are alike invigorated, the intellect is made brighter and every faculty becomes lively. The bath is soother of the nerves, it promote general perspiration, quickens the circulation overcome obstructions in the system, and beneficially on the kidneys and urinary organs. Bathing helps the bowels stomach, and liver, giving energy and new life to each. It also promotes digestion, and instead of the system being weakened it is strengthen. Instead of increasing the liability to cold, a bath properly taken, fortifies against cold because the circulation is improved, and the uterine organs which are more or less congested, are relieved; for the blood is brought to the surface, and a more easy and regular flow of the blood through all the blood vessels is obtained”

                               (Testimonies vol.3 pg 70-71.)

We will discuss further in details all issues raised by this unique prophet of YAHUWAH. She never attended any school of Higher learning. In fact she ended her formal education in primary 3, due to ill health. But today, she is recognized by the United States of America world library as the most translated female author in the world till date.
       Her book “Great Controversy” and Ministry of Healing is a must read book for you. Visit the Ellen G. White estate to download these books for free today.


  • Drink plenty of pure water, at least eight glasses a day.
  • Drink systematically, spacing your water out through the day. Start with a few glasses of warm water first thing in the morning to rehydrate the cells and helps the kidneys flush out the night accumulated waste.
  •  Carry a water bottle with you to gauge your progress.
  •  Don’t drink very cold water. Cold water deadens the thirst signals, and digestion and other body functions slow down while body heats water up to body temperature.
  •  Don’t drink with your meals, this dilutes the gastric juices and inhibits digestion. Raw fruits and vegetables contain water, include plenty of these with your meal and your thirst will diminish.
  •  Drink plenty of water between meals
  •  Allow at least an hour before meals and one hour after meals without drinking.
  •  Watch for thirst signals. At the first sign of headache or other signal of dehydration have a drink. Do not delay until a more convenient time. Delay is dangerous! 

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Tuesday, 17 June 2014



The best things in life are undeniably free, air, water, sunlight, the ability to love, the opportunity of second chances and starting anew.
The flood is such an example, God had to reset the world and give it a new start so the corrupting effects of sin prevalent during the days of Noah would not continually flourish and lead to doom and gloom for proceeding generations. The lord gave the world a chance at a ‘new start’. Starting anew is Gods special blessing to man, Jesus once told a Pharisee ’in search of life’ that “you must be born again”; for the purpose of living a fulfilled life here on earth, it is essential to start anew, hence the choice and opportunity for a ‘Newstart’.

Newstart is an acronym that encapsulates the essentials of living life to its fullest. A lot of research has been carried out in order to ascertain, how a person can live a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle.

Dr.Breslow carried a scientific study of over 7000 persons. The study lasted 9 years. In the study, he correlated the people’s lifestyle with their death rates. Here is a synopsis of the result - the following factors prolong life expectancy by an average 11 years:

  • -          Eating a good breakfast
  • -          Avoiding alcohol beverages
  • -          Not smoking
  • -          Not  snacking
  • -          Exercising  regularly
  • -          Maintaining an ideal weight
  • -          Sleeping adequately

Dr.Breslow  from his 9 years research of over 7000 persons got very close to an ancient gem, an open secret…. that has been since the time of creation, health tips given by God himself, which when  practiced leads to maximum health, longevity and happiness.. These health tips are summed in the word and acronym NEWSTART! 

N- Nutrition

   Manufacturers usually give detailed specifications on the usage of their products, this is because they want you to make proper use of that product- and in order for you to enjoy and make maximum usage of the product; you have to read through the specifications given for using the product.
Likewise the body of man; the creator of the human body in his infinite love and wisdom, did give specifications on the use and maintenance of the body he created for us. He told Adam what he may eat in order to nourish his body and optimize his performance.
    After extracting the Israelites from Egypt, God again gave man a much comprehensive listing of what he may use for the replenishment of his body: even listing what he may not eat of. A lot of tragedy in this world could have been avoided; if only men will listen to the infinite voice of wisdom in their choice of nutrition.
   In proceeding articles we would deal on the God given directions for proper nutrition. And why strict obedience to it is the only way to prosper in health and life.

E- Exercise

     One of the greatest health problems of developed countries is that of obesity, and its associated health demise (heart attack, arthritis etc). Closely related to wrong feeding habit, lack of exercise is a major player in the quick deterioration of our physical and mental health. God knew man had to exercise his mind and body in order from him to keep it in an excellent state. He made ample provisions for man in this regard; Adam and Eve, our first parents had everything they desired in the Garden of Eden, but this was not an excuse for them to be idle, they constantly exercised their physical and mental faculties, by daily caring for the Garden and the creatures in it.
Wrong use of technology, eating habits and many other factors has led many to a life of idleness and poor physical health. Great care should be given to the subject of exercise if one wants to lead a fruitful and prosperous life. The lot of the lazy man was constantly a warning in King Solomon's book of proverbs.

                       “Poverty will attack him like a thief in the night”…

   There are so many wholesome outdoor and indoor activities we can engage in to keep our mind and bodies daily exercised and in good health. Meditating on God’s word is a perfect example of developing our minds to unprecedented potentials. Participating in community outreach and heralding the blessings of salvation are also other methods through which we may exercise our physical and mental faculties.


       How important is water? So important Jesus said “I am the living water from which you will never thirst again”, from which when we drink, we would not thirst again.

 Water is so important that our body is almost entirely composed of it (70%).  Both the internal and external organs of our body require water for them to function adequately.
Water is needed daily by both plants and animals, without water our body will fail, water is essentially life.
It is often difficult to become susceptible to many health maladies when you practice good water drinking habits. So the question now becomes: What entails a good water drinking practice and habit?
     First of all it is important to realize that our body looses water on a regular basis; even when we sleep! Our body looses water when we breathe, when we sweat, when we urinate and stool. All these lost water has to be replaced. Our kidney to the very best can help in purifying and recycling a very large percentage of our body water, but for the percentage of water lost; we have to replenish. And the only efficient way of doing this, is to drink at least ‘eight glasses’ of water in a day; this is the same as two liters of water (to be drunk daily). When we drink sufficient water, we help our kidney, and our urine is almost pure: but when we fail in giving our body the required amount of water, we put our body organs especially our kidney to unnecessary labor and stress, this is when our urine becomes yellowish in color. Given below are some healthy water-drinking practices;
  • -          Drink a glass of water first thing when you wake in the morning.
  • -          Drink a glass of water before going to bed.
  • -          Don’t fill your stomach with water immediately after a meal.
  • -          Don’t drink ice cold water (your body looses energy in warming it up before absorption).
  • -          Don’t drink too much water at any-one time (a glass would do).
  • -          Keep a can of water with you at all times.
  • -          Always keep in mind: your body requires two liter (eight glasses) of water every day!


“Sunlight kills bad bacteria”
All living creatures benefits from the wonderful rays that comes from the sun. The plant kingdom requires sunlight to make food; they convert minerals from the soil combined with the other elements of nature to food with the aid of the sun through a process known as ‘photosynthesis’.
 The rays from the sun is a natural energy source  both for plants and animals, man requires sunlight daily in order to have maximum health and vitality, early morning sun which is mans vital source of vitamin D is necessary for the following;

-          Bone health
-          Anti- cancer
-          Good for loosing excess fat
-          Strengthens teeth
-          Essential for decreasing symptoms of asthma
-          Protects against dementia and brain aging
-          Supports the immune system.

   Sunlight is life, sunlight is happiness, sunlight is one of God’s cherished blessings to man, he made it free for both rich and poor, old and young. When next you feel the suns warmth and see its alluring rays, take time to give God praise and adoration for such a wonderful and unfailing blessing to man.



  Temperance is the complete avoidance of all harmful substances and the moderate or judicious use of those which are for our health and happiness.
Good life, good health and an excellent character are the reward of temperance. A good thing even when over-done becomes a force of evil.  Temperance and moderation is a lifestyle choice that often translates into excellent character building.
   The journey through the desert for the Israelites was one that constantly called into question the strength of character as regards to temperance and moderation. Those who constantly clamored for flesh food (meat), and the unwholesome dietary patterns practiced during their sojourn in Egypt, where the same ones whose characters where deficient in temperance, patience and moderation.
Temperance is a key aspect in every Christian’s life, it can only be fully appreciated by Gods grace, on our own, we would constantly seek after the things that are of the flesh, and which often tends to diseases, suffering and death.  We are to set our hearts on things above and not the things of earth, without the knowledge of Gods kingdom, all of life will be one constant struggle for wealth, fame and power which will eventually lead to ruining the chances needed to build the characters necessary for attaining eternity.
    Temperance and moderation is the key to excellent health and a prosperous life, with the proper attitude of temperance and moderation, life will cease to become a do-or-die affair, many will realize they have been in a never ending rat-race. Abuse of substance, gluttonous habits and alcoholism would become things of the past. There are so many aspects of our life which temperance affects including relationships, career and spending (finance).
 It is essential that a person understands what true temperance and moderation means, for without it, one would easily lose sight of the purpose of life itself, which is a life lived to its greatest potential of maximum health and happiness under the care, instruction and guidance of its loving creator.


    Breathing is so underrated! In our crowded cities and urbanized settlements; where automobiles, diesel generators, and industrial activities are ever contaminating our atmosphere, we are short-changed of clean and fresh breathing air. The refreshing fulfillment one can get from filling his lungs with clean, crisp and fresh air can hardly be substituted for. Our high duty air-conditioners and ceiling fans cannot take the place of a well ventilated room or the coolness under the shade of a tree on a hot afternoon.
   The human body needs an average 3000 cubic feet of fresh air every hour of the day. In order to have good blood, we must breathe full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, and purify the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it a life-giving current which brings life and nourishment to all parts of the body as the blood circulates.
Among some of the benefits of good respiration, is that it;
  • -          Soothes the nerve
  • -          Stimulates the appetite
  • -          Renders digestion more perfect
  • -           It induces sound and refreshing sleep.
      God made man perfect, dignified and upright, and these attributes are essentials of what makes for a good breathing posture, we have to maximize our inhaling and exhaling processes, failure to do so will lead to in-adequate air supply which will in turn lead to; sluggish movement of the blood as it circulates within the body, the waste and poisonous content in the blood which should be disposed through exhaling would then be retained. When this happens the lungs, stomach, liver and brain are often affected, the skin becomes sallow, digestion is retarded; the heart is depressed; the brain is clouded; thoughts are confused; gloom settles upon the spirits; the whole system becomes depressed and inactive, and peculiarly susceptible to disease.


    And God rested on the seventh-day! So many people overlook the simple process of resting. After every days work man is entitled to a period of rest (sleep), when we neglect to carry out this simple function we subscribe our physical and mental health to numerous malfunctions.
The creator in his infinite love and wisdom set for us a perfect example, after confirming his works as good; he rested. Man is to take cue from the example set by his creator; rest when properly observed becomes a regenerative force- for mans good.
    We live in a century where almost everything moves at high speed. People are running ‘to and fro’ most often than not, being busy about nothing. There is a very big danger when one labors to a point of exhaustion, thereby disqualifying him-self for future effort. Do not try to crowd into one day the work of two. At the end, those who work wisely and diligently will be found to have accomplished as much as those who so expend their physical and mental strength that they have no deposit from which to draw in time of need. Avoid as much as possible the idea of multi-tasking, it often leads to weariness and poor work output.
   Regularity should be employed in our simple habits of eating and sleeping, since our body rebuilds and recuperates during periods of rest. Studying for an examination all through the night especially with the aid of caffeine in the forms of energy drinks or coffee is a grievous sin to the body. Students can easily avoid such situations by properly preparing for examinations weeks and days prior to their exams. Another very common wrong practice is in; taking very heavy duty meals immediately before retiring for the night. Evening meals should be as light as possible and hours before going to bed. This is because when we take heavy meals before going to bed, we put our digestive system to hard labor: often waking up groggy and ill-at-ease. Below are some conditions which can enhance good rest and sleeping conditions;
-          Avoid the use of alcohol or sleeping pills, if you feel the need of a physical sedative, try a neutral bath, hot-footbath or warm bath. 
-          Avoid caffeine and nicotine which are central nervous system stimulants.
-          Create as restful an environment as possible to sleep in; a well ventilated room, dark and quiet is preferable.
-          Avoid heavy meals just before going to bed; they are usually the cause of unnatural snoring and nightmares.

     Spiritual rests; as physical rest is essential to a healthy lifestyle, in essence spiritual rest is essential for the general wellness of the spirit, soul and body. The Sabbath is an institution for mans benefit to this regard, by observing its statutes we allow the blessings of the creator for that day to become our portion. The Sabbath symbolizes Gods finished work for our salvation from sin and guilt, it is a period where heaven condescends to touch and bless the souls of men. Spiritual rest can only be fully appreciated when we obediently keep Gods day of rest sacred and holy.


    A life that explicitly put its trust in the hands of God, is a life secured and insured against every malicious element the storms of life may usher. Trusting in an Omnipotent creator is a lifestyle choice; it is the only option for living a purpose driven and fulfilled life. Every other factor listed in the NEWSTART lifestyle is solely dependent upon it- because it is the seal that assures and ensures the blessings associated with the NEWSTART lifestyle.
    Trusting in the wisdom of an infinite creator is the only plausible explanation of life. Scientist whom rely solely on mans short-sighted wisdom have tried for so long to unravel the mysteries of life, but they are always left baffled. All of nature is but one intelligent design, crafted by the loving hands of an ever loving creator who is always waiting to bless and help failing humanity; if man would only take the time and effort in laying their trust and treasures within his hold, his blessings are sure.
    Submission of our will, submission of appetite, submission of all our life’s endeavors to the one whom the future, past and present are but one: is our only hope of escaping the drudgery that comes with life on earth. Good health, prosperity and a fulfilling life will surely attain us- if we seek first, the things of high. 

   God has also promised his children, who will obey and put their trust in him, a Newstart in a new earth as a new nation and a new people. A new life with no sickness, no pain sorrow or death, all we need to do to become part of this new world, is to simply lay our trust in him as the spring of all life, from which when we drink, we would never thirst again.

Sunday, 15 June 2014


In search of life

   ‘Life is short’, ‘you only live once’ these are cliches we have become familiar with- and they mean just what they say. Even the most powerful book on earth (the Holy Bible) makes it plain; that man’s life is but a fleeting moment, the wisest man who ever lived on earth (king Solomon) also said, “there is a time to live and a time to die”.
Knowing we are eventually going to die, why search for life? An old Japanese poem goes thus;
                   If only, when one heard
                 That Old Age was coming
               One could bolt the door,
                  Answer “Not at home”
             And refuse to meet him! (Old age)
                           -Anonymous Japanese poet (905)
Everyone wants to live and enjoy life to its fullest, but to a great extent, a lot of people don’t understand what living a fulfilling life entails. So someone while taking the very substance or carrying out the very act that would prohibit his living life to the fullest will tell you. “Life is short” or “you only live once”. 

    ‘Life is short’ is the reason given by the man who is into the use of hard drugs,’ life is short’ is the excuse given by the man who wants to gather all the wealth he can lay his hand on, when he has little or no time for his family and his personal health. ‘Life is short’ is also very commonly said amongst smokers, who are very much aware that their acclaimed short life is drastically further cut-short by the use of tobacco and alcohol. In fact the very idea that life is short has so pervaded our societies that most people fail to realize the essential priorities of life and rather try to live ahead of their selves, which often ends in an ironically short-lived life. 

    There are lots of professional opinions when it comes to health, living and the essentials of a happy life. But first let’s hear from the wisest man who ever lived on earth (King Solomon). King Solomon was at a time in pursuit of the height or apex of living life to its fullest, he wanted what could satisfy him; thus he would positively proof that such and such an activity was the essence of life!...
First he tried women, and oh! What a throng of women he had: with a thousand women at his disposal, he soon found little or no pleasure in their company. He next tried intoxication; no person ever spoke against intoxication and alcohol usage as much as King Solomon did. He once referred to it, as being bitten by a poisonous snake  ‘prov 23:31-33’.
(“Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise” prov 20:1)
After trying jesting, playing and so many other activities that you and I are not even privy of today, he called them all VANITY!

       Said the preacher “VANITY  UPON VANITY’, ALL  IS VANITY!”.


    What does the maker of this machinery we call our body has to say; “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”   ‘3 john 2…’
The SOUL’s prosperity is key to understanding how we may prosper and also attain maximum health and therefore live a fulfilled and happy life.
Consciously or unconsciously, most people make sacrifices of some sort. Unfortunately, they often sacrifice the prosperity of the soul, which involves the directions of God to health, family and living for the transitory pleasures of wealth, power, status, or fame.
It can be likened to a child who due to impatience eats the flour, which his mother desires to turn into finely baked cookies for him. 

     Let’s imagine life as a game in which you are juggling three (3) balls in the air - ambition, relationships and health. You soon realize that your ambition is a rubber ball that can easily bounce back up whenever you let if fall. But, not so with your health and relationship: with God and man. Jesus once said; seek ye first the kingdom of God and every other thing shall be added unto you.
Another very popular cliche goes “health is wealth”. Very few people actually take the time to reflect on the importance of this gem statement. The world is filled with many striving for wealth, often losing their health, family and eternity in the process. Oh! How I wish they could orderly place their priorities and achieve a fulfilled and satisfying life.
Dearly beloved search no further for the elixir of life, search no further for the wonders and intrigues of this world, let you thoughts and concern be on the prosperity of your soul, let all of your resources be on the nourishment of your soul, for in so doing health like you never dreamed of would be yours, wealth you cannot comprehend would follow you all the days of your life, a life full of happiness and fulfillment.
     For the one who blesses the birds with their songs each morning, the one who adorns the flowers 

wellness lifestyle

with its morning glory, and puts the gait in the movement of the stallion is patiently waiting to bless and prosper your soul and to put the very world you now seek in your hands for eternity and ever and ever and ever give you a life of happily ever after.

Above all I wish thy soul  prosper…