A must have product for every home. Best remedy and quick relief for common ailments. Cheap and very easy to use.

Our fine powder Charcoal dust will help relief your body from pains, cold and toothache.

Activated Charcoal is quite different from just Charcoal. When “ACTIVATED” it simply mean baked twice specially to increase its potency. For example, An ordinary Charcoal 1 tablespoon can cover and adsorp gass or toxins covering a space of a room (12ft x 12ft) while and Activated same Charcoal 1tablespoon covers as space of 100ft x 100ft efficiently.

The word “CLINICAL” is very related to hygiene. Properly prepared to meet safe health uses. It has much to do with the type of material use e.g wood, the environment, Handling and packaging safe for human consumption. So, try and get Authentic CLINICALLY ACTIVATED CHARCOAL from right source.

Activated Charcoal is cheap, easily affordable, it is safe to use, No over dose, No adverse effect, shelf Life over 20yrs, No order, diversity in use, No Complexity and 100% natural.

A Roman Scientist Pling wrote in his book (“Natural History Vol, 36”)
“It is only when ignited and quenched that Activated Charcoal itself acquires its characteristic powers, and only when it seems to have perished that it becomes endowed with greater virtue”
 Pling knew the virtue in activated charcoal over 2000 years ago when he made this comment. 

What the Roman Scientist observed long time ago, (i.e before Christ’s birth) is the amazing power of Activated Charcoal. Even you and I may be hearing the health benefits of Activated charcoal for the very first time. How many millions if not billions lived and died without a single knowledge of what the creator’s given blessing, - ( Activated Charcoal) could have done for them. What needless pain many suffer for lack of knowledge of the potent power of Activated Charcoal.  

Two thousand years (AD 200) after the death of Christ (Yahushua) another famous Roman Physician named Claudius Galen: experimented on Activated Charcoal and he produced over 500 treatises using activated charcoal for a wide range of diseases. 

American Indians used Charcoal as natural remedy for abdominal pains and other health problems hundreds of years before America became a nation. 

 As if these are not enough, what about our Local parents. I mean before the herald of toothpaste they knew much about Activated Charcoal. Could it be because we migrated from Egypt this knowledge of charcoal has already been there. Why does a large group of people have not a single idea of the efficacy of Activated Charcoal

Let me quote Dr. Atta K. Bonsu (Ghanaian Doctor). The more we advance in technologies….. Modern health machines the more we are dying. This means we need something more than this. – the solution is to go back to our creator (Yahuwah) and nature, to use simple Natural remedies, such as ; Charcoal, Lemon, Garlic, Honey and Simple herbs.” “What Garlic, Lemon, Charcoal, Honey and Common water can do, no Chemicalised drug can”.
Conclusively, this ancient fact on Activated Charcoal cannot be complete without mentioning the work of Sister Ellen G. White a Prophetess of God the Creator (Yahuwah), a pioneer health reformer and a renowned writer on Health, Education and Biblical prophecy. She received over 2000 visions, dreams and revelations from God (Yahuwah). She wrote hundreds of books on health, Child care, Church history, Messiah 2nd coming, Events of End time, Farming, marriages, Rise and Fall of United States of America, World Politics etc.
I strongly recommend, you read her book “Ministry of Healing” (for health) “Great Controversy” (church Historical Facts). If you have not read any of these books, do not conclude anything about her.
It might interest you to know that in 1983, Sister Ellen G. White was recognized by the United States of America world Library as:

a.       The fourth most translated author in the whole world.
b.      That she is the most translated Female author in the world till date.
c.       She is the most translated American author in the world.

I have conscientiously referenced her works and quotes in this post, because she recommended and utilized Activated Charcoal over a hundred years ago. She said:

 “I feel impressed to recommend Activated Charcoal for consideration the use of Charcoal as a Powerful agency for removing poisons from the body system. I have on several occasions suggested the use of Charcoal, and it has often brought relief when every other means had failed” (Letter 158 written 1907).
She also said this about Activated Charcoal “ I wish to tell you a little about my experience with Activated Charcoal as a remedy. For some forms of indigestion, it is more efficacious than drugs. A little olive oil into which some of this powder (Charcoal) has been stirred tends to cleanse and heal. I find it is excellent” (Letter 100 written in 1903)
Ellen G. White was an advocate of health reform. She counsels “Always study and teach the use of simplest remedies, and the special blessing of God the creator may be expected to follow the use of these means, which are within the reach of common people” (Paulson collection page 38)
It is also worth noting that, Dr J.H. Kellogg (sole producer of kellogg pop-corn worldwide)  studied under E.G. white school of health reform. With the guiding principles revealed through E.G. white, Dr J.H Kellogg established a world class Healing sanitarium in Battle Creek-United States of America. Most World leaders, Nobles, Kings and the Rich were treated and healed in this Sanitarium. Using Natural therapies and remedies like Charcoal, Clay, Massaging, diet, Hydrotherapy, etc. 




A woman with cancer of the liver was treated using activated charcoal as part of the Natural remedies therapy.  First her diet was changed to simple cleansing program. Activated charcoal poultices was applied over her live for up to eight hours during the day and through out the night. The Kidney was also revived as it helped to prevent the building up of poisons and eliminate poisons from the organs of the body. Courtesy…AMMI Sanitarian Rivers State Nigeria.


  A patient who had Liver problem, his liver not functioning well, had a dramatic  positive change to his liver functions by drinking a large glass of water every day that contains a large tablespoon of clinical Activated charcoal twice and twice in a week, she slept with activated charcoal poultice taped round her liver. In four weeks, she was hail and healthy. Courtesy…AMMI Sanitarian

                Sandra is a missionary in India, she had typhoid chronic in India jungle of Nepal. Hear her. “I also had typhoid fever a few years back. I used (CLINICAL ACTIVATED) Charcoal for the diarrhea part of it and found steam baths the most helpful in combating the fever (Steam Bath- Healing the body with steams). With the steam treatment and heavy dose of Activated Charcoal, the typhoid is gone. I also used garlic and some Nutritional supplements and of course much prayer and rest whenever I could. I was able to fully recover without the use of any antibiotics.

      A friend I worked with  in DSC Housing complex (Warri, Delta state, Nigeria) Mr. Alex had two children 1 year old and 3 years old. They ran chronic diarrhea for months and visited many health clinics no solution. He was almost frustrated and depressed when I met him. I recommended supper clinical activated charcoal. He used it and the problems were solved. He never under-estimates the power of Activated Charcoal. Infact he preaches it to others to benefit also from its use.

                A Christian brother Mr. Godwin complained of a sister who worked in the Local Government Council having tears in the eyes while reading for years. I recommended Super Clinical Activated Charcoal slurry to be used as Eyes drop. She also drank some. In 3 days, the pains and anguish for years were gone, she stopped using a special eye-glass for reading.

                A patient with painful bleeding piles was greatly relieved with application of Activated Charcoal paste made from the mixture of Clinical Activated Charcoal power and Olive oil and this applied to the rectal area overnight. In three days the external pile had significantly shrunk in size and all pains was gone and bleeding stopped. 

                Doctors Agatha and Dr. Calvin Thrash, MDs, (Uchee Pine Sanitarium, USA) found that charcoal promotes the healing of the prostate gland. A hot enema of clinical Activated Charcoal promotes the healing of the prostate gland. The mixture is one of cup of hot water and one table spoon of powered clinical activated Charcoal. The enema can be retained as long as possible, even through the night. Natural Remedies, P, 91.

A man’s leg was to be amputated due to gangrene, he came to us and we promised him Yahuwah Healing mercies. We placed his infested foot in Clinical Activated Charcoal Slurry, he drank 1 tablespoon four times daily and in the Night we applied charcoal poultice. In two weeks the Leg regain healing. (WELLNESS CENTER).

A woman suffered with a sore in her Right leg 25 years. No solution, Clinical Activated Charcoal and prayers to Yahuwah our Healer brought smile and joy over her again. (WELLNESS CENTER)

A sixty years old man Joe had a broken bone which refuses to heal. The only option was amputation which he rejected. Activated Charcoal was introduced to him. To be drunk and immersed on charcoal slurry (warm). In two weeks, the bones began healing and mending their ways back to normal. It was amazing!

This list of Testimonies can be endless, that yours particular case was not mentioned never entails you have a hopeless case. He who uses CLAY to open the Eyes of blind Bartemus can use SUPER CLINICAL ACTIVATED CHARCOAL to solve your own. I am very much optimistic about this! Faith and a little work on your part is all you may need. Never, forget prayer to Him the Creator Yahuwah who can heal all diseases can be your beginning of wisdom and Healing.


Before, listing the diseases and their respective treatment, let me explain the different methods of using Clinically Activated Charcoal for health purpose.

1.       CHARCOAL BATH: When using Charcoal Bath as method of treatment, you are expected to mix one or two cups of Clinically Activated Charcoal Powder warm water in a bowl, basin, bucket or Bathtub depending on the part of the body to be immersed in Charcoal water. Stir the Powder Charcoal in the water to mix well put the part of body or lie in the bathtub only eye and nose expose. This can be under Charcoal slurry for duration of 45 minutes to 1 hour. Clean up the part of body or patient, the treatment is completed.

2.       Charcoal Bath Alternate: This is same as above, only there must be two alternate (Separate) basins or bathtub. One filled cold water, another filled warm water charcoal. Move the patient or part of the body diseased from warm to 5 minutes to cold 1 minute. That is the patient stays in the warm Charcoal water for 5 minutes, and immediately transfer to cold charcoal water for 1 minute. This changes of position goes on 5 – 7 times, clean up patient and you are through.

3.      Clinically Activated Charcoal Plaster Corn starch (Akamu) to form a paste. Plaster the diseased part with past. You can now renew the paste every 1 hour. This is good for diseased finger e.g witlow infections, boils etc.

4.       Slurry: Activated Charcoal slurry is carried out when 1 or 2 Teaspoons of Clinically Activated Charcoal is mix with clean boiled water. Possibly, trusted bottled water or distilled water can be used. Dissolve the Charcoal in the water and allow 8 – 12 hours for it to settle then separate the clean water for use. This clean water is very good for eyes infection, new born babies jaundice-and drinkable water.

5.       Oral (Internal Use): Put 1 tablespoon of Clinically Activated Charcoal in a half (4 or ) glass cup of warm water mix and drink. For diarrhea drink with little water possibly chew with saliva dry and use little water to rinse the mouth and swallow. For constipation, drink charcoal with plenty water. At least with extra glass of water.

6.       Oral (With Juice): Clinically Activated Charcoal can be mixed with fruit juice, honey, olive oil, chocolate and taken in. Especially for children. But never with Ice cream.

7.       Poultice: Mix 1 to 6 large spoonfuls of Clinically Activated Charcoal with 1 to 3 large spoonfuls of ground flaxseed or 1 to 2 spoonful of corn starch (Akamu) for a paste with warm water. Spread on a paper tower, cloth or toilet roll. Cover with cloth, place on disease site of the body, cover the Poultice with light cellophane to keep it from drying out fast. Then bandage it up neatly. You may leave the Poultice on overnight or change every one hour depending on the case at hand. 

Charcoal Poultice can speed up the healing process of infected sores or wounds. The human skin has the amazing ability to pass liquids, gases and healing medicines thru it pores. For example, stomach ulcer by the application of Clinically Activated Charcoal Poultice, bacteria and poisons (Toxic) are drawn absorbed through the skin and into the Charcoal Poultice. So, to enhance the power of the Poultice heat can be applied externally on the Poultice.


An example of the application of Activated Charcoal

There are several types of Arthritis. Arthritis is often connected with meat eating (Uric Acid Poisoning). Animals that eats meat has 12 times as strong Hydrochloric acid. They also have an enzyme called Uricase which breaks down the Uric acid. The human intestine is about 30ft long and that of Carnivorous is just about 5ft. so, judge for yourself.
Arthritis is severe pain and inflammation of one joint or more. Joints like knee, waist, elbow, toes, fingers etc.
The best cure approach is to abstain from meat, sugar, white bread, soft drinks and bad temper/stress.

1.       If not swollen with lemon juice, garlic (Raw) juice, cayenne pepper and olive oil. Lemon and Garlic getting into the cells is what bones, nerves and muscles need to survive.
2.       By far, the best way to bring relieve to arthritic pains is use Clinically Activated Charcoal mixed with clay poultice.
3.       Drink Clinically Activated Charcoal mixed with little cayenne pepper 3 times daily
4.       Go on raw juice therapy for 2 weeks eat pineapple, vitamin C (100mg), Vitamin E, ALFALFA tea, Ginger, Soya bean coffee, Tofu and other related product.

The list can be endless, I selected but one. I am also aware that charcoal is not a care-all remedy. Before you go into proper treatment, let me remind you that there are some factors that may affect most healing process. For example, a patient who has stomach ulcer, hardly eats fruits and vegetables, eats: junk food, pies, fried food, white flour etc. If you hardly hardly drink water, work without resting. Above all, have a; blind and narrow mind-set, ill temper, unforgiving and wicked spirit. All the Medicine in the world will do little or nothing for you, your chance of Recovery is very slim. These problems are of great concern to a wholistic Doctor or Professional Medical Practitioner, when handling you case. 

For better advice and consultancy on this please
call -                         08055132704, 07032652919.
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office address;       Shop F3c C.K. Value Plaza, Orhuwhorun Road, Warri. Delta State.

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  2. Activated charcoal is required by law to be part of the standard equipment on many ambulances, in case poisoning is encountered. Due to the many benefits of activated charcoal, is the first choice of the medical profession.charcoal

  3. In the end, activated charcoal become a part of the First Aid Kit. That is indeed wisdom. It can do so much good for every human. for more info go to:

  4. There is no limited age for suffering Arthritis. Kids are also suffering from the joint pain of Arthritis. Therapy Treatment for Arthritis is very useful for kids. They will feel very comfortable after taking this treatment.

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