Friday, 20 February 2015


If the eating habit of the upper and middle class is not changed, there may be an epidemic of unprecedented death syndrome in many countries, which will arise from cerebral and coronal artery disease in middle aged people. Sounding this alarm has become necessary in view of recent increase in the number of people who die suddenly or die without any apparent cause.
It is very common these days to hear about the death of a friend or colleague, who after a few days of slight illness passes on. The case may even be more alarming when there was no mention  of any sort of illness. Even the victim seems, looks and feels healthy until tragedy strikes. Experts have confirmed that  deaths from this kind of situation are usually related to heart or coronary disease. The same way a person may  not be aware of inherent abnormality in blood pressure- which may lead to stroke or hypertension: a person may also not be aware of his lurking demise, which may be in form of any number of heart disease.

Because of the lack of understanding of the symptoms, and because the victims are often perceived  to be hale and hearty, this problem that has been ravaging many countries (both developed and developing ones)- is yet to receive any major attention in the medical circles.

Coronary heart disease is one of the most common causes of sudden deaths. This problem is caused by the building up of fats in the arteries which supplies blood to the heart muscles. Also, another major cause of this problem is a fall-out of hypertension related factors, and dietary induced problems. Statistics show that about '335,000 people in Nigeria alone' die of coronary heart disease without being hospitalized or admitted to an emergency room every year!
According to experts, in the case of sudden death, the time of death as well as the mode of death are unexpected-usually occurring within minutes after symptoms appear, even though the victim may not have been diagnosed of heart disease. Some of the cases that lead to sudden death include; aggressive lifestyles, obesity, diabetes, cigarette smoking, abnormal blood clotting, etc.

 Due to the fact that a proportion of Nigerians in middle age harbor two or more of these factors without knowing, other symptoms are suppressed until death strikes suddenly. These well looking individuals do not bother to go for regular medical check-ups; because they believe that they are well, forgetting that even aging and the effects of wear and tears of normal daily activities take their tolls on our human body.
Hypertension still remains the commonest cardiovascular disease which kills suddenly, through its leading complications, stoke and hearth attacks. There are usually no warning symptoms, the victim will be hale and hearty by mere looking at them.
There is an increase in the consumption of saturated fat, refined sugar, and excess salt in foods, the so called anatomic profiles of robust cheeks and pot belly as marks of influence should really give cause for concern. The growing number of death is enough warning that the stage is set for an epidemic of sudden death and the time to act is now, in  order to avoid this avoidable disaster.


  •  Go for regular checkup- Check your blood pressure and your sugar level.
  •  Watch what you eat, make sure your diet is as Natural as possible.
  •  Obey the eight laws of heath in  the acronym NEWSTART.    SEETHE EIGHT LAWS OF HEALTH


*Excerpt from- 'The Ministry of Healing'.. 295-297  [Ellen G. White]

    Our bodies are built up from the food we eat. There is a constant breaking down of the tissues of the body; every movement of every organ involves waste, and this waste is replenished from our  food. Each organ of the body requires its share of nutrition. The brain must be supplied with its portion; the bones, muscles, and nerves demand theirs. It is a wonderful process that transforms the food into blood and uses this blood to build up the varied parts of the body; but this process is going continually, supplying with life and strength each nerve, muscles, and tissue.

Selection of food

Those foods should be chosen that best supply the elements needed for building up the body. In this choice, appetite is not a safe guide. Through wrong habits of eating, the appetite has become perverted. Often it demands food that impairs health and causes weakness instead of strength. We cannot safely be guided by the customs of society. The disease and suffering that everywhere prevail are largely due to popular errors in regard to diet.
In order to know what are the best foods, we must study God’s original plan for man’s diet. He who created man and who understands his needs appointed Adam his food.
 “Behold,” He said, I have given you every herb yielding seed,… and every tree, in which id the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be food. Genesis 1:29, A.R.V.
Upon leaving Eden to gain his livelihood by tilling the earth under the curse of sin, man received permission to eat also the herb of the field. Genesis 3:18.
Grains, fruit nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our creator. These food, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They Impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet.
But not all foods wholesome in themselves are equally suited to our needs under all circumstances. Care should be taken in the selection of food. Our diet should be suited to the season, to the climate in which we live, and to the occupation we follow.

{Choose your diet based on the SEASON, CLIMATE and your OCCUPATION}

Some foods that are adapted for use at one season or in one climate are not suited for persons in different occupations. Often food that can be used with benefit by those engaged in hard physical labor is unsuitable for persons of sedentary pursuits or intense mental application. God has given is an ample variety of healthful foods, and each person should choose from it the things that experience and sound judgment prove to be best suited to his own necessities.

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