Wednesday, 1 April 2015


There are many great chicken dishes that you can choose from; and the chicken or poultry product is loved worldwide and available in almost all places.

Experts say that poultry products are much more patronized in many places such as Asia, Europe and U.S than their counter-part meat or flesh products.

The question then is: What are the benefits or health hazard associated with poultry (chicken) consumption?

Firstly, compared to beef and pork, chicken meat are high in protein and have less cholesterol which our body highly requires. You can find white meat in chicken in the breast area. Unfortunately, that is the only part of chicken that is quite safe for consumption health-wise. Other parts like the neck, wings and feet, all pose many health risks.


          Do you know that chicken skin is the most deadly part of this ubiquitous poultry delicacy? Yes, the skin is delicious and very tasty, but it can make your heart prone to many problems such as coronary heart disease and stroke.
The skin part contains high level of cholesterol that can make your heart susceptible to many heart diseases. Incorporate this with deadly saturated cooking oil and mixing powder ingredients and you now have a perfect cancer causing food at your dining table.

Any wonder why chicken skin is very addictive in fast food chains? Fast food owners realize that the majority of their customers do not buy food for its nutritive value, rather a lot of people are only concerned with the taste of the food. So Chicken parts including its skin, which is laden with bad cholesterol content forms a major part of the menu offered by the fast-food owner.

Once you consume too much neck, wings, legs, feet and skin of a fried chicken regularly, you are highly prone to these diseases.
(1)         Cancer
(2)         Digestive problems
(3)         Allergies
(4)         Cardiovascular problems
(5)         Liver disorders
(6)         Kidney problems
(7)         High blood pressure
(8)         Stroke
(9)         Skin problems (Pimples and acne)
Since chicken-skin is high in bad cholesterol, you are highly at risk to heart disease which is a leading cause of death today. It is also one of the major factors of cancer development in the body’s cellular structure. Not only that, it can also lead to fatty liver, kidney stones and digestive ulcers, lastly it can lead to high blood pressure and lower brain proficiency.


Avoid eating chicken wings frequently especially for ladies-
 This is one instance why!!!

"A lady in her mid-Forties had a growth in her womb, and she underwent an operation to remove this unnatural growth. The cyst (a growth filled with liquid) removed, was filled with dark colored blood. She was expected to recover after the surgery like many normal patients do, but she, and her physician were wrong.
This malignant and most unnatural of growth reoccurred just a few months later. Distressed, she rushed down to her gynecologist for consultation.

During her consultation the doctor asked her a question that bemused her.
He asked if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings, and she replied an emphatic: Yes!'. She was left bamboozled, wondering as to how the doctor could so quickly and pin-pointedly second-guess her Chicken wings (Skin) eating habits.
That was when the Doctor opened her eyes to the truth. 

The truth that, in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to quicken their growth so that the needs of flesh eating and craving society can be met. Back in time when poultry like chicken where fed and grown organically, the risk of many of these associated maladies was kept at minimum, but today, the greed, selfishness and apathy of some men, will lead them to adopt methods- as long as they stand to profit financially. This leaves the everyday person with a carcinogenic and high cholesterol-laden food."

Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings.
Therefore it is at these places that the highest concentration of steroids exists. These steroids have fearful effects on the body as it hastens their growth.
It has a more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being easily infected with the growth of cyst in the womb.

If you can't resist the goodness of a chicken, all you have to do is to scrape off the skin out of your chicken piece and avoid eating it. Take the white meat because that is much more beneficial to health. Place a high value on your health and avoid eating chicken skins and wings as much as possible.
But if possible, make the switch to an organic and more natural eating lifestyle.

The diet appointed man in the beginning did not include animal food. Not till after the flood, when every green thing on earth had been destroyed, did man receive permission to eat flesh.  - The Ministry Of Healing .pg311 by Ellen G.White

Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now doubly objectionable, since disease in animals is so rapidly increasing. Those who use flesh foods little know what they are eating. Often if they could see the animals when living and know the quality of the meat they eat, they would turn from it with loathing. People are continually eating flesh that is filled with tuberculous and cancerous germs. Tuberculosis, cancer, and fatal diseases are thus communicated. -                            The Ministry Of Healing .pg313 by Ellen G.White

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